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Policy Positions — Industry Issues

Sustainable Industry Funding

18 December 2023

TIA considers that the tourism system is starved of the resources it needs to operate as it should.  

With appropriate funding, the tourism industry can more deliberately shape its future to 2050.  Areas where investment is needed includes: infrastructure, research and data, implementation of Destination Management Plans, lifting industry capability, and others. 

Action 2 of Tourism 2050 is Address Industry Funding’ that promotes the need to address the clear industry funding deficit for the long term.  

TIA will be vigorously pursuing this Action in its work with Government, industry and other stakeholders.  Funding solutions should adhere to principles including: a nationally consistent approach that is efficient and equitable, optimising use of existing funds such as the IVL, funding allocated to place where revenues gained, independent governance of funds and allocation processes, allocation to support strategic objectives of the industry, and to be undertaken with industry, government and local government. 

Refer to Tourism 2050 for further detail. 

Thanks to our strategic partners

Thanks to our strategic partners